E-mail: wdai5@nankai.edu.cn
理学硕士,美国伊利诺伊大学(金融学专业), 2014.05~2015.05;
理学硕士,美国伊利诺伊大学(经济学专业), 2012.09~2013.12;
理学学士,中国农业大学(农林经济管理专业), 2008.09~2012.06。
1. Yong Chen and Wenting Dai, 2021. Seeking Green? Mutual Fund Investment in ESG Stocks –– previously circulated under the title “Why Do Good? ESG Investment in Mutual Funds”. Working Paper.
2. Yong Chen and Wenting Dai, 2020. Shadow of Loss: Mutual Fund Tail Behavior and Investor Flows –– previously circulated under the title ”Do Investors Care About Tail Risk? Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows”. Working Paper.
3. Yong Chen, Wenting Dai, and Sorin Sorescu, 2018. A Hiding Place? Diversification, Financialization, and Return Comovement in Commodity Markets. Working Paper.
4. Yong Chen, Wenting Dai, and Dora Horstman, 2021. Value Added by Hedge Funds. Working Paper.
5. Wenting Dai and Dora Horstman, 2023. Salience Distortion: Mutual Fund Performance and Fund Flows. In Progress.