


E-mail: hyzhang69@nankai.edu.cn


研究领域: 金融工程,量化/算法交易以及随机最优控制在金融保险领域中的应用




1. Huayue Zhang, Ming Zhou, Junyi Guo, 2006, The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function for classical risk model with two-step premium rate. Statistics & Probability letters (76), 1211-1218.

2. He, J.M., Wu, R., Zhang, H.Y., 2008, Ruin probabilities of a surplus process described by PDMPs.Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica. English Series, 24(1), 117-128.

3. Huayue Zhang, Lihua Bai, 2008, Dynamic mean-variance portfolio under classical risk model perturbation by fractional Brownian motion. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics.11 (4), 589-602.

4. Lihua Bai, Huayue Zhang, 2008, Dynamic mean-variance problem with constrained risk control for the insurers. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 68(1), 181-205.

5.于美芳, 张春生, 张骅月, 复合马尔科夫二项风险模型,伟德国际1946备用网站学报,2008,41(4), 66-72.

6. Huayue Zhang, Lihua Bai, 2009, Insurance control for classical risk model with fractional Brownian motion perturbation. Statistics & Probability letters. 79(4), 473-480.

7. He, J.M., Wu,R., Zhang,H.Y,2009, Total duration of negative surplus for the risk model with debit interest. Statistics & Probability Letters. 79 (10) 1320-1326.

8.张骅月, 曲立安,. 一类特殊风险模型的破产概率. 伟德国际1946备用网站学报,2009, 42(5),32-37.

9. Lihua Bai,Junyi Guo, Huayue Zhang,2010,Optimal excess-of–loss reinsurance and dividend payments with both transaction costs and taxes. Quantitative Finance; 10, 1163-1172.

10.张骅月, 陈万华, 曲立安, 分数Black—Scholes市场中的动态下跌风险,数学物理学报., 2011, 31A(6),1674-1682.

11.T. A. Pirvu and H. Zhang, 2012, Optimal Investment, Consumption and Life Insurance under Mean-Reverting Returns: The Complete Market Solution, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics; 51(2), 303-309.

12. Traian A Pirvu, Huayue Zhang,2013, Utility Indifference Pricing: A Time Consistent Approach,  Applied Mathematical Finance,20(4), 304-326.

13.凌晨,张骅月,基于BP神经网络的黄金价格预测分析。 天津科技,2014,1:16-20.

14.Minsuk Kwak,Traian A Pirvu,Huayue Zhang,2014,A Multi Period Equilibrium Pricing Model.Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014:1-16.

15.Traian A. Pirvu,Huayue Zhang,2014,Investment-consumption with regime-switching discount rates. Mathematic Social Science. 71,142-150.

16. Xiaotian Liu,Huayue Zhang, Shengming Zhao,2018, Can prospect theory explain the disposition effect? An analysis based on value function. China Finance Review International, 2018 ,8(3):235-255.

17. Lihua Bai, Pengxu Xie, Huayue Zhang, 2023, Optimal proportional reinsurance and pairs trading under exponential utility criterion for the insurer. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(3): 1827-1845.

18. Lihua Bai, Pengxu Xie, Huayue Zhang, Optimal pairs trading of mean-reverting processes over multiple assets. Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, doi:10.3934/naco.2022014, preprint.

19. Huayue Zhang, Jingwen Wang, Structured Financial Product Designing. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2023,11(2), doi:10.4236/Jess.2023.112032.

20. PengXu Xie, Huayue Zhang, 2023, Optimal Pairs Trading under O-U Processes: A Mean-Variance Framework. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance. (Submitted)


1. 2012年6月28-30日, IME国际会议,报告题目:Optimal Investment, Consumption and Life Insurance under Mean-Reverting Returns.

2. 2012年6月24-27日,精算与风险管理国际会议,报告题目:Utility Indifference Pricing: A Time Consistent Approach

3. 论文被The 7th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society 2012 Conference Sydney, Australia,June 19-22所收录。

4.论文被The 5th International Conference MAF 2012 - Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance Venezia, Itlay,5.April 10 - 12所收录。2009年4月, 金融工程年会暨“金融工程与风险管理国际论坛” 报告题目:动态下侧风险最优投资问题的研究。

5. 2008年4月12日, 金融工程年会暨“金融工程与风险管理国际论坛” 报告题目:具有控制约束的保险公司的优化问题研究。

6. 2007年10月20日,第四届风险管理国际研讨会暨第五届金融系统工程国际研讨会。报告题目:Dynamic mean-variance optimization under classical risk model with fractional Brownian motion perturbation.

7. 2007年4月6日, 金融工程年会暨“金融工程与风险管理国际论坛” 报告题目:分数Black-Scholes 市场上的动态M-V投资组合。


译著(第三译者):《结构化衍生产品手册 第二卷》,【澳】萨特亚吉特.达斯著,中国时代经济出版社,2011年12月出版。



项目名称:分数布朗运动环境下金融保险中优化问题的研究(主持);批 准 号:NSFC 10901086。



项目名称: 金融风险中的定量分析与计算——银行与保险业中的风险模型与数据分析;(子课题)批准号:2007CB814905。

项目名称:马氏过程,随机点过程与风险理论(参与); 批 准 号:NSFC 10271062。

项目名称:几类随机过程的研究与相应的风险理论(参与); 批 准 号:NSFC 10591092。






